Healing center and gardens http://healingcenterandgardens.com 400 acres wooded propoerty designated to Yoga retreats and spirtiual growth Sat, 10 Jul 2021 22:37:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 194872015 Awakening http://healingcenterandgardens.com/awakening/ http://healingcenterandgardens.com/awakening/#comments Sat, 10 Jul 2021 22:37:09 +0000 http://healingcenterandgardens.com/?p=575 In 2016 I awoke,  I have experienced Samadhi -through suffering…. After traumatic experiences we may become bitter or we can totally surrender and experience something great.  It’s like building a beautiful house and getting everything inside as perfect as you possibly can and putting all you love and own, and one day unexpectedly the house burns down to the ground.               
In that moment you can’t believe it, you can’t believe it happened to you.  It’s something you would never expect.  Standing there looking at ashes you have a choice. A choice to go crazy or surrender.  I gracefully surrendered.  Surrender may happen slowly and that’s ok too, but when it happens you may experience something unbelievable.                     
It’s difficult to describe the peace, calmness, deep understanding and joy you become.  I guess for me the most unbelievable is still looking at birds flying and being one with them, or listening to beautiful music and becoming the notes.                         

After Samadhi real self discovery begins and sharing that with others is my deepest joy.           

Come and join us.



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